Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bad Week!

Ok this week has been tough. Surprisingly not the diet or excercise but my whole crew has been sick. I am so tired of cleaning up puke and washing sets of bedding. This week was going to be a busy week anyways but now it just seems neverending. Lauren started her swimming lessons on Tuesday and did really well. She goes again tonight if she's feeling well enough. This morning she told me that her tummy hurts.....:( . I haven't gotten a phone call from the school yet so I'm assuming she's doing okay. Cheyanne has been sick for two days in a row and Hudson just started this morning. It's horrible to have a sick baby. They can't tell you they are sick or control where it goes and I just feel plain bad for him.

I've refused to talk to my hubby the last two nights. He calls and talks to the kids and then I hang up. He knows how tough it is just to have 3 kids all alone when they are well......but to have 3 sick kids all week.....well lets just say I'm wasted. He's only an hour and a half away....if he really wanted to he could drive home to help me out and then go back in the morning.....but NO he just thinks I should suffer. Well who knows what he thinks since I won't talk to him lol.

Anyways enough's just been one of those weeks. I can't believe I have now worked out 13 days out of 15.....I am so proud of myself. GO ME!!

1 comment:

  1. You poor thing. Those weeks are the worst. We had a weekend like that in December. My poor husband had to go into work but all four of us were sick at the same time. It was horrible. Of course with the baby...she was sick for days. Good job sticking to the workout and eating healthy. It couldn't have been easy. Hopefully your husband will be able to help you out soon.
