Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day Two

Alright so I'm still here at day 2 of the challenge. Fed Lauren and Cheyanne breakfast and then made myself some oatmeal and mixed berries. Then I woke Hudson up.....there is nothing that makes me feel better than seeing the smile on his face when he sees me in the morning. Babies truly love their mom's no matter what their size...but he needs me to be strong and healthy too. My biggest goal this year is a family picture.....I don't have any. It's not fair to my kids that I won't let anyone take pictures of me because I am too embarassed. I want to have one to put up on my wall.....and I will by the end of this year!

I woke up in the right frame of mind today. Knowing that I had work ahead of me and that no matter what I was going to do it. Definitely the key is to get my workout done in the morning and not stress all day about still having to do it and then being too tired. I weighed myself this morning like I do every morning and I am down 3 lbs already. Now what I really need to do is ONLY weigh in on Fridays. I've got to stop the daily weigh ins. Seriously! Stop the madness! I feel better today, stronger, happier and definitely more energy. That is what I need to concentrate on.

I have been drinking so much water. Every time I walk by the water cooler I fill my cup....and that's a lot seeing as I have to fill the wood stove about every 2 hours. This is Mike's last day of work and he leaves tomorrow night for school. The next two months are going to be so hard for me. I will have the kids 24/7 and never get a break. The worst part is the nights alone. I am always so scared. I hear every creek and crack the house makes and always worry that someone will break in and hurt us. I have always had this fear however irrational it is so hard to overcome. Mike installed a dead bolt in the door this year to help me feel a little safer but I know the real challenge is mental. I really hate that it gets dark at 5:30pm now......I've never thought of myself as being afraid of the dark but maybe I am?

Anywho it's afternoon now and my girls are watching a movie and Hudson is sleeping in his crib. Time to get off my butt and do some house work!

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