Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Much Needed Rest!

So I finally reached my rest day...ahhhhhhh! I think my body really needed it....or at least that's how it felt this morning. I woke up and didn't feel great. I didn't want to put all the work into following todays diet but I didn't want to sabotage myself either. So I stuck with the plan. I'm working on a meal plan today. I think the tough days will come when Mike is home on the weekends. He's bound to want to eat stuff that I can't and I just hope that he understands that it's not that I don't like what he makes it's just that I can't have it right now at this point in my life. I am most likely going to have to make food for my family and something separate for me. I'm trying to find ways to make stuff for them that I can also eat. Like steak, rice and veggies....but I could skip the rice.

Here's the big key.........planning! I need to make sure I have everything on hand so that I don't have an excuse to cheat. I need to go to the grocery store and have everything for their meals and mine.....that is my task today. So far so good today. I ate eggwhites and grapefruit for breakfast, a few almonds, a pear, a turkey cesaer salad salad for lunch (we had a huge turkey for new years day dinner so I'm still finishing it's actually a blessing cause it's already all cooked). I'm feeling better and know my body is thanking me for feeding it right. I hope to see the payoff on fridays weigh in.


  1. Smaller portions of the same foods as your family works too. My family has gotten used to me using a little plate while my husband uses a regular sized plate.

  2. good for you, staying positive!!! it's hard isn't it! make your list girl...... concentrate on how you feel inthe morning when you had a good day before!!! I know, this advice sucks, hahahaha!!!
